Apartment-Museum of M. K. Sevruk

Mikhail Konstantinovich Sevruk was born on February 27, 1905 in the village of Snov in Nesvizh region. The artist received an excellent education at Vilna University, from 1939 until the end of his life he lived and worked in Nesvizh. The personal collection includes 1240 items, it includes paintings, graphics, engravings on wood, copper, linoleum, artist's personal belongings, which were donated to the museum by his wife Raisa Semyonovna Sevruk and friends.

On July 9, 1996, in the house where M. Sevruk lived and worked, an apartment-museum was opened. In 2012, the area of ​​the apartment-museum was expanded and a new exposition was created. This was preceded by careful work on the study of documents, analysis of the museum collection, communication with friends, acquaintances of the Sevruk family, which contributed to the precise definition of the periods of the artist’s work, the transfer of the diversity of his works, and the restoration of the lifetime interior.

The created exposition presents a multi-genre display of two periods of the artist's work — Vilna (1927—1939) and Nesvizh (1939—1979), in addition, two sections are distinguished in it: "Creative Heritage", "Biographical and Memorial".